In Conversation with the Sustainability Blogger @iisabelsophie
For one week, Isa from Germany took over the Instagram Account of the German Embassy. Her mission: to tell us more about sustainability and healthy lifestyle choices. So German was able to ask her about her views and what we can do every day to contribute to a more sustainable society.
When and why did you start your blog @iisabelsophie?
I started my blog in 2016. At first, it was only about travel stories and lifestyle. In 2017 it was more about recipes and my histamine intolerance – and from the middle of 2018 on, I also started blogging about the topic of plastic avoidance and sustainability. I have had my Instagram account since 2012. In the beginning, it was only for me and my friends, a visual diary of sorts. In 2017 I started to post more about my intolerance and from mid-2018 onwards, I really began to emphasize sustainability.
How would you describe your lifestyle?
My lifestyle has changed a lot during the last 6-8 months. Even a year ago I wasn’t paying as much attention as I do now to what and how much I consume. Somehow I hadn’t found my direction in life yet. It has changed a lot since I started working on sustainability. Now I question what and how much I consume, where things come from and under what conditions they are produced. I identify very much with nature and love being in the forest, at the seaside or in the mountains. In general, my lifestyle has developed into a very natural lifestyle.
Usually, it is easier for bloggers to talk about positive topics. What gives you the courage and the drive to discuss unpleasant facts and realities as well?
I think it’s important that you don’t just talk about nice things, but also about the things that concern you and about which you inform yourself. Especially when it comes to sustainability, I think it’s important that you reach even more people and talk about all the issues that belong to it. Since then I have been getting a lot of messages from people who say that I inspire them and that they are starting to pay more attention to the environment because of my posts. I just wish that more people would become aware of it and want to change something in their lives – for our planet. Because if we continue to live as we do now, our earth as we know it will no longer exist in 20 – 30 years.
With our way of life and our actions we determine the demand of certain products.
How can every-one of us make a difference and contribute to sustainability in our everyday lives?
Everyone can do something! I think the two sentences “The supply determines the demand” and “Your shopping list is your ballot paper” describe the impact that each one of us can have. If you decide to stop buying animal products and start buying vegan products, you are supporting vegan companies and not the meat industry. And you are not alone, there are already so many people who are working to make the world a better place. With our way of life and our actions, we determine the demand for certain products. If I buy a t-shirt from a fast fashion brand, I support the exploitation of the seamstresses and often child labour, poor craftsmanship, bad working conditions and an environmentally harmful production process. If I buy a fair fashion brand T-shirt, I support fair pay, good working conditions and environmentally friendly production. So every single one of us counts and is important when it comes to changing things for the better.
How can the use of plastic be kept to a minimum, step by step, in every household?
You should consume the things you still have in your household that are made of plastic, dispose of them properly and then buy a plasplastic-freeernative. There is a plastic-free alternative for almost every product, because in the past people also survived without plastic. In addition, one should try to avoid disposable plastic items both at home and on the road. However, one should not immediately throw away all plastic products they have because that wouldn’t be sustainable either. If you don’t want the products anymore for health reasons, you can still sell or donate them. After all, resources were also consumed for those plastic products. It is important to know that this change does not happen overnight, but rather that it is a long term process.
Sustainability is an important issue for Germany. In your opinion, what are things that Germany can be proud of regarding environmental protection?
I think that Germany can be very proud of its deposit-return system. Thanks to that, plastic bottles do not end up in the environment as often and are properly disposed of or can be reused. In many countries, such a system does not exist.
What things could still be improved in Germany?
In Germany, much more attention should be paid to plastics in supermarkets. Above all, plastic bags should finally be banned. Years ago it was introduced that you have to pay money for plastic bags and the consumption has already decreased, but still, far too many plastic bags are consumed. Plastic packaging is another area where more attention should be paid. You can also easily pack food in paper.
What are the goals that you would like to achieve over the next few years?
I would like to reach even more people and motivate them to rethink things and take action. I, myself, will still change a lot in my everyday life. Sustainability does not happen overnight. It is a process that will probably never be completely finished, but I enjoy discovering and trying out new and sustainable alternatives again and again.
Do you think your blog can serve as a role model for other people?
Yes, I think so. I am just a normal person who has decided to live a sustainable life and to find out for myself what and how I can change something. Especially on Instagram, you can find great people who give a lot of tips and it’s just a great community in this area.