Ambassade et consulats de la République fédérale d’Allemagne au Canada
Au Canada, la République fédérale d’Allemagne est représentée par son ambassade à Ottawa, ainsi que par ses consulats généraux de Montréal, de Toronto et de Vancouver. Le Canada et l’Allemagne entretiennent des relations étroites et amicales, incarnées par leur coopération active sur la scène internationale ainsi que par leurs relations économiques saines et leurs investissement mutuels. Les deux pays s’enrichissent des liens culturels et académiques forts qu’ils ont tissés, et des contacts qui se sont développés entre les deux peuples. Notre travail quotidien consiste à collaborer […]
Embassy and Consulates of the Federal Republic of Germany in Canada
In Canada, the Federal Republic of Germany is represented through the Embassy in Ottawa and the Consulate Generals in Montreal, Toronto and Vancouver. Canada and Germany enjoy close and friendly relations, reflected in their active cooperation on the international stage as well as their healthy economic and investment relations. Both countries benefit from their strong […]
German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
DAAD is the world’s largest funding body for academic exchange, supporting nearly 120,000 scholars annually. We promote the internationalization of German universities and offer funding opportunities for academics in all fields and at all levels.
The Goethe-Institut is the Federal Republic of Germany’s cultural institute, active worldwide. We promote the study of German abroad and encourage international cultural exchange. With our network of Goethe-Instituts, Goethe Centres, cultural societies, reading rooms and exam and language learning centres, we have been the first point of contact for many with Germany for over […]