German Heritage Language School of Nova Scotia
The German Heritage Language School of Nova Scotia was founded in 1987 and is a registered non-profit society which offers German language classes to adults and children. The School fosters the learning of the German language and promotes an understanding of German heritage and culture through an inclusive educational setting for the benefit of students […]
Manitoba Teachers of German (MTG)
Manitoba Teachers of German (MTG) is an active group of teachers of German at all levels (kindergarten to university) and alongside the promotion of teacher training, promotion of the German language and culture forms the core of what we do.
Association for German Education in Calgary (AGEC)
The Association for German Education in Calgary (AGEC) supports, promotes and integrates quality German language programs and cultural activities in Calgary with a range of events throughout the year. As a charitable organization with more than 10 years in operation, AGEC supports a variety of educational programs ranging from playgroups for toddlers and the German […]
Université de l’Alberta
L’Université de l’Alberta est l’une des 100 meilleures universités du monde, reconnue pour ses recherches de classe mondiale et ses découvertes novatrices. L’Université dispose d’un budget annuel de 1,75 milliard de dollars et attire plus de 460 millions de dollars en revenus de recherche commanditée. Avec 39 500 étudiants, dont plus de 7 000 étudiants […]
University of Alberta
The University of Alberta is one of the world’s top 100 universities, known for world-class research and innovative discoveries. The University has an annual budget of $1.75 billion and attracts more than $460 million in sponsored research revenue. With 39,500 students, including 7,000+ international students from 164 countries, UAlberta offers a safe, supportive, and multicultural […]
German Canadian Concourse – GCC
Le Concours Germano-Canadien (CCG) est une série annuelle de symposiums d’une journée sur des sujets d’actualité pertinents pour le Canada et l’Allemagne selon un format unique. Véritable événement transatlantique, le Concourse est organisé autour d’une conférence d’une demi-journée, le Transatlantic Symposium, qui se tient simultanément à Toronto et à Berlin. Conjointement, les centres GCC de […]
German Canadian Concourse – GCC
INNOVATIVE PLATFORM FOR TRANSATLANTIC COOPERATION The German Canadian Concourse (GCC) is an annual series of day-long symposia on up-to-date topics with relevance to Canada and Germany following a unique format. As a truly transatlantic event, the Concourse is arranged around a half-day conference, the Transatlantic Symposium, hosted simultaneously in Toronto and Berlin. In conjunction, […]
Canada Meets Germany Network
Le réseau Le Canada rencontre l’Allemagne est un réseau transatlantique et interdisciplinaire pour les professionnels intéressés à renforcer leurs liens avec le Canada et l’Allemagne. Le réseau Le Canada rencontre l’Allemagne est le fruit d’une initiative d’un ancien ambassadeur du Canada en Allemagne, avec l’appui substantiel des gouvernements fédéral canadien et allemand. L’objectif de Le […]
Canada Meets Germany Network
The Canada Meets Germany Network is a transatlantic, interdisciplinary network for professionals with an interest to strengthen their ties to Canada and Germany. The Canada Meets Germany Network has emerged from an initiative by a former Canadian Ambassador to Germany with substantial support from the Canadian and German Federal governments. The aim of Canada Meets […]